6 questions to help solve your low back and neck pain.

Chronic Low back or Neck pain If you’re reading this, you most likely suffer from some sort of chronic low back or neck pain.  Ask yourself these following questions to help solve the problem: Is your pain worse in the morning? Does the pain get better after waking up and moving around? Have you had…

Numbness, Tingling, Aching, Burning Pain?

Nerve Entrapment The buildup of muscle adhesion (1st video) can cause an unfortunate problem called nerve entrapment (2nd Video). There are over 100 places in the human body where a nerve can become trapped causing symptoms of numbness, tingling, aching, burning and pain. The symptoms result from increased tension on nerves. Nerves transmit information from the environment to…

3 Reasons stretching is NOT fixing your hamstring tightness

Remember the days when you didn’t have tight hamstrings or maybe you’ve had them your whole life? One of the most common statements we hear from patients in our clinic is: “My hamstrings are really tight, I haven’t been stretching much lately, I think that’s why they’re so tight.” Contrary to popular belief, hamstring tightness is…

Have you been using your foam roller wrong?

We’re sure by now that you, or someone you know, has reached for a foam roller to help with that tight quad or aching back. And while it may have provided some temporary relief, you find yourself needing to foam roll more and more, just to get less and less relief. So what’s that about,…

What to do about symptoms?

We were having dinner with a physical therapist a couple weeks ago, and talking about what we did as clinicians to get people better. Both parties being in the manual therapy and conservative care world, we assumed he had an array of treatment options for people to help with specific conditions. As we got further…