Dr. Appleman prides himself in approaching your unique situation with a team mindset. Listening, truly listening, to his patients and their problems is what he believes sets himself apart from other providers who may have failed in resolving your problem. Dr. Appleman has experienced many injuries throughout his life, and he knows what it takes to get you feeling and functioning better.

Muscle Adhesion

   Muscle adhesion, also commonly referred to as scar tissue, is the most common, most mis-diagnosed and most overlooked condition in musculoskeletal healthcare. Fortunately, with proper training it’s also the most fixable and reversible condition in the human body. Adhesion acts like a collagen glue within the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, fascia, and other connective…

6 questions to help solve your low back and neck pain.

Chronic Low back or Neck pain If you’re reading this, you most likely suffer from some sort of chronic low back or neck pain.  Ask yourself these following questions to help solve the problem: Is your pain worse in the morning? Does the pain get better after waking up and moving around? Have you had…

Numbness, Tingling, Aching, Burning Pain?

Nerve Entrapment The buildup of muscle adhesion (1st video) can cause an unfortunate problem called nerve entrapment (2nd Video). There are over 100 places in the human body where a nerve can become trapped causing symptoms of numbness, tingling, aching, burning and pain. The symptoms result from increased tension on nerves. Nerves transmit information from the environment to…