Numbness, Tingling, Aching, Burning Pain?

Nerve Entrapment

The buildup of muscle adhesion (1st video) can cause an unfortunate problem called nerve entrapment (2nd Video). There are over 100 places in the human body where a nerve can become trapped causing symptoms of numbness, tingling, aching, burning and pain. The symptoms result from increased tension on nerves. Nerves transmit information from the environment to the spinal cord and brain.  There are many places in the body where nerves are adjacent to, and must slide through muscles.

Nerves need to be able to slide past and through different structures otherwise they will not be able to function properly.  Muscles can develop adhesion; if the adhesion builds near a nerve, the two structures can become adhered together stretching the nerve causing problems. The stretching and increased tension injures the nerve and usually causes tingling down either the leg or arm.

I’m sure you have heard of conditions called carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, piriformis syndrome, tarsal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, ulnar nerve (cubital tunnel) syndrome etc.  These syndromes or conditions rather, are broad general labels put on a patient’s symptom without giving a complete and accurate diagnosis of why this particular condition is taking place.  A typical treatment for these conditions consist of icing the affected area, stretching regimen, and ingesting more over-the-counter drugs than your body can handle.  We now know that the treatments described above will not help in resolving your problem.  In many of  the listed syndromes above, muscle adhesion causing a nerve entrapment is the real culprit.

It is important to receive an accurate diagnosis so that effective treatment can be provided.  If it’s treatable, our treatment fixes nerve entrapments, helps restore proper nerve function, and reduces pain.

If you or someone you know is suffering with nerve pain, restricted ranges of motion, and other treatments have failed to provide lasting results then they need to see Drs. Drew Ruebbelke and John Appleman of Apollo Soft Tissue & Spine.

You deserve clinical excellence! Call 720-593-2047 to schedule an appointment or contact us via Email: [email protected].

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