Is your shoulder pain a result of an injured rotator cuff?

Rotator cuff injuries are common but not normal.  Let’s understand which muscles makeup the rotator cuff and how they contribute to your pain.  The rotator cuff is made up of 4 muscles, which are more specifically known as the Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, and Subscapularis.  These muscles work together to stabilize the shoulder, which is arguably the most unstable joint of the body.

As long as these muscles are relatively strong and healthy, they act in conjunction to balance the movements of the shoulder and our shoulder works perfectly. This allows us to do all the things we take for granted such as: drive our car, open and close doors, blow dry our hair, get dressed, etc.

When these muscles become damaged through trauma, overuse or simply from being alive for more than 20 years they develop muscle adhesion.  Muscle adhesion (scar tissue) disrupts the balance between the rotator cuff muscles compromising stability of the shoulder and we experience pain, crunching or popping noises in the shoulder when performing everyday tasks.  The muscles, once injured, are past the point where trying to fix it yourself will work.  Furthermore, if left untreated, this scar tissue leads to increased wear and tear on the cartilage, ligaments, tendons and attachments of these rotator cuff muscles.  The result? Degeneration, arthritis, damaged cartilage, torn rotator cuff tendons and increased pain.

You maybe wondering if you have muscle adhesion, here are a  few indicators.  If you have: limited mobility, function and pain when using the shoulder or have been diagnosed with degeneration, arthritis, damaged cartilage or a torn rotator cuff?  Then you likely have muscle adhesion in your rotator cuff muscles and it is contributing to your shoulder pain.

Drs. John Appleman and Drew Ruebbelke are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of muscle adhesion.  They are 2 of 3 doctors certified in the Denver Metro Area to properly diagnose and treat shoulder problems.  If you or someone you know is suffering from shoulder pain and other treatments have failed to provide lasting results then call us at 720.593.2047 or visit to schedule an appointment. 

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Dr. Drew Ruebbelke

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